we did it! me and elize are officially under the same roof. i finally and gladly left my shabby apartment to my lover’s arms in her lovely little house in campo belo, also conveniently halving the time taken to get to my job in the middle of nowhere.. my dreams of hearing her voice everyday, singing quietly from the kitchen, of watching her just watching mtv cartoons at night and laughing away, of sharing a wardrobe with her stylish and abundant clothes; all of it has come true at once. i am one happy man.... i’m lucky her parents like me; to be honest, i was scared shitless of them... i would stutter and choke on all my words at their sight. but it was unwarranted fears, just like the many i have…..her parents are cool hippies..... her father, of course, an englishman with english money in brazil, which granted her a comfortable life financially - her parents were the ones who bought her our house. he was the one i was most scared of, but his funny british accent was disarming after a...